Learn Salesforce Basics - Blog - 5.3


In the previous post (3.2), I have discussed Salesforce basics topics like different types of relationships, junction object, validation rules, page layout, record types. Lets learn some more important topics.

1. Reports :

  • It is used to track progress towards various goals, control expenditure and increase revenue.
  • It provides real picture to the management.
2. Types of Reports :
  • Tabular Reports - Simple list of data without any subtotal.
  • Summary reports - Listing of data with groupings and subtotal.
  • Matrix report - Allows you to group records both by rows and columns, totals by rows and columns can be done.
  • Joined Reports - It is used to group and show data from multiple report types in different views.It can have unique columns, summary fields, formulas, filters and sort orders.
3. Dashboards :
  • It is graphical representation of data generated by a report or multiple reports.
  • It can have 20 reports.
4. Types of Dashboards :
  • Charts - Use chart when you want to show data graphically.
  • Gauge - Use gauge when you have a single value that you want to show within a range of custom values.
  • Metric - Use a metric when you have one key value to display.
  • Table - Use table to show a set of report data in column form.
  • Visualforce page - When you want to create custom component.
  • Custom S-Control - It can contain any type of content that you can display in browser.
5. External Id : 
  • It is used to store unique record identifier from external system and allow for routinely loading data into Salesforce without having to prepare your import file with existing or related Salesforce IDs each time.
6. Data Loader : 
  • It is an app used for the bulk import/export of data.
  • Used to insert, update, delete, export Salesforce records.
  • When importing data, data Loader reads, extracts and loads data from CSV files or from database.
7. Workbench : 
  • It is web-based tools which helps administrators and developers to interact with Salesforce  for data insert, update, upsert, delete, undelete, export, deploy, retrieve, rest explorer and apex execute actions.


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