How Contacts can Login to Storefront ?

How to allow a Contact to Login to Storefront ?

We have discussed the ways of getting Logged into the Storefront in one of our blog but today we will discuss how can a Contact gets access to Log into the Storefront.

  • You need to enable a user from a Contact record and after that user will be able to Login to the Storefront.
  • Select a Contact -- > Enable Customer User from the dropdown -- > It will redirect you to a New User page --> Change email address to your email address -- > Change the username --> Select User License to Customer Community or other --> Select profile to Customer Community Plus User or other --> Select currency to USD --> Save
  • Now, you can Log in to Storefront from the Contact "Login to Community as a User". But if you want to Login to Storefront from the Site, you need to set credential of that User Contact.
  • Go to the User of that Contact, enable the checkbox "Generate new password and notify user immediately at the bottom of the page and save it.
  • You will receive Email to set password, after that, with the help of username and password, you can Login to the Storefront directly from its url.
  • The expected behaviour is that you should be able to see the menu items and widgets in the right column on the storefront.
  • However, you will not be able to see any products/carousals of promotions on the homepage. This is because Account of your Contact might not have any Account Group.
In the next blog, we will discuss, how to grant customers access to different products and will also explain the usage of Account Groups.
